Sunday, December 19, 2010

The Honda's Key

Recently, I've noticed that the battery in my car key seems to be nearing the end of it's life. Justin noticed the same thing about his key about that time, too. We both made sure our spare keys worked in the event something went wrong with the battery replacement. Justin carefully opened his key and found out the battery type. He attempted to open mine. After working for a while, all he managed to accomplish was stripping the tiny screw that held the key together.

He researched the Honda keys online and found out that Honda sometimes uses thread stripping glue to keep you from opening the key on your own. Whenever you need to have the battery replaced, you are encouraged to take the key to a Honda dealership where they break the cover off the key and replace the battery and cover when they're finished. I have no idea why they do this. It doesn't make a bit of sense.

Justin found a company online that sells uncut replacement keys for my car. He ordered one and it arrived yesterday.

My current key on the left and the uncut replacement on the right:

Justin is prying into the cover:

This is what the guts of a Honda key fob look like. The center piece (with the buttons) is the working mechanism and everything else is the cover. When he reassembled the key, Justin had to use the existing half of the cover that contained the actual key to the car (the piece on the left side of the photo below) since the key was attached to that piece of the cover.

Finished. We still need to get a replacement battery for the key fob but at least we can get into the cover to easily replace it now. We're also hoping to have the new key cut so the entire key and key fob will be new.

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