Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Grilled Halibut

About a month ago, I visited my aunt and uncle and I was sent home with some fish my uncle caught while on a fishing trip to British Columbia, Canada. I cooked the salmon fillet shortly after the visit and it was delicious. I decided to cook the halibut last night. I think it was the first time I've had a halibut fillet and it was very tasty.

I sauteed some squash and zucchini as a side dish.
After chopping the veggies, I heated a little olive oil in a pan and added a little minced garlic. After that cooked for a few seconds, I added the squash and zucchini with a little more olive oil and some salt and pepper. I sauteed that for about ten or so minutes and it was done.

I thawed the halibut in some warm water and then removed it from the pouch. I cut it in half (Like I said last time, cutting through fish skin gives me the heebie jeebies.) and patted it dry. I splashed a little lemon juice on it then added some olive oil and salt and pepper.

I preheated the grill for about ten or so minutes and then I added the fish. I used grill-safe aluminum foil so that clean up would be easy. I started the fish with the skin side up and cooked it like that for about three or four minutes. I then flipped it and finished grilling it skin side down for about five or six minutes.

I served the fish and veggies with rice pilaf with almonds. It was all very yummy!

Thanks Uncle Frank and Aunt Susan! Justin and I enjoyed the halibut!

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